The Philosophy of Feel
Short Game
Full Swing
Mental Game
The Philosophy of Feel - Short Game - Full Swing - Mental Game -
What is Y.U.S. Golf?
Are you tired of working so hard on your swing and getting worse at golf?
Do you find your head swimming in thoughts, but you don’t know which one to trust?
Have you found yourself angry and defeated after most rounds of golf, wanting to remember what fun feels like?
YUS Golf. Find out why you suck… and more importantly, why you don’t have to.
The golf swing itself should not be the hardest part of golf. Many of the reasons players struggle with the game of golf so much, have to do with the way humans are engineered. By understanding the challenges we all face physiologically and mentally, you may discover that golf never had to be so hard to begin with.
So let’s talk about what actually is hard about golf…keeping your confidence up after you start playing well. Take it from me, I’ve played golf in the most competitive atmospheres in the world: D1 Level College (Univ. of Texas), Qualifying School, grinding it out on the “feeder” tour of the LPGA, US Open Qualifiers and even an LPGA Major Championship. Golf can feel downright torturous at times.
But it doesn’t have to…
Join me in a journey of self-discovery…or some other mumbo jumbo that gets you to click on that subscribe button and laugh along with me as I guide you and all the other suck-pots of the world (myself included), back to the land of successful golf. I promise it’ll be an enlightening and fun-filled ride.
Let’s turn that YUS into YES!